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CPPS Music (Grade 4-6)

Term 3 |Semester Two (2020)

Mr. Richard Kant

WEEK  - Virtual Keyboard Pieces 4


1. Practice reading sheet music to play on a Virtual Piano Keyboard.

Treble Lines.jpg
Treble Spaces.jpg
Piano Keyboard.png

Virtual Piano  - Piece No.4

This piece uses the following pitches: middle C | D | E | G

The new note is D. The first note is D.

Time Signature: There are four quarter notes in each bar. Count a steady beat " one - two - three - four"

Bars: There are a total of 9 bars. The piece has a double bar line at the end to signify the end of the piece (like a full stop). 

Pitches: There are a total of 4 different pitches in this piece (middle C | D | E | G)

Rhythm: The rhythm consists of quarter notes. There are no notes longer than the quarter note.

Instrument: Play the notes on a virtual piano, real keyboard or piano. Alternatively, you may wish to sing (voice) each note "la" or figure out how to play each of the pitches on the guitar or recorder


1. I can maintain a steady beat

2. I can play and OR sing all the pitches accurately on my chosen instrument and/OR voice.

3. I can play and/OR sing all the quarter notes the same length

4. I can find C D E G on the piano keyboard and describe their location using the two and three black key groups.

5. I can say/describe where middle C, D, E and G are located on the staff.

6. I can clap the rhythm while counting out aloud "one - two - three - four..."

7. I can spell the letter names out at a steady beat.

8. I can point to the treble clef sign

9. I can point to a line note, space note and a note on a leger line.

10. I can explain the staff

11. I can count how many bars are in the piece and point to any bar called out.

12. I can point to the double bar line and explain what it means.

13. Real Piano/Keyboard Students only: I can play the notes on the piano keyboard using the hand (RH) AND correct fingering (D - finger 2 | G - finger 5 | E - finger 3 | Middle C - thumb or finger 1)

Piece No.4 (1)Richard Kant
00:00 / 01:51
Exercise 4.jpg



1.Submit a video recording of Piece No.4

2. You MUST play Piece No.4 on the Virtual Keyboard OR real Piano/Keyboard.


Some of you have chosen to learn Voice, Guitar or Recorder next term. You can try Piece No.4  on your chosen instrument however, you MUST submit your assessment using the Virtual Keyboard OR real Piano/Keyboard.

3. The music and Virtual Keyboard OR real Piano/Keyboard must be clearly displayed in your video.

4. The sound must be clear and the complete piece must be submitted. There should be no background noise in your video.

5. The video should be no longer than  60 seconds.

6. State your name, year level and title of the piece at the start of your video.

7. Please submit your video in your Classroom Grade's SeeSaw and place in the Brown Music Folder. Your work may not be assessed if it is not placed in the music folder.

8. Due Date: Before next lesson (if possible).

Want something even more fun?

Learn How to Play 'Advance Australia Fair'

Accompaniment on Virtual/Real Piano or Keyboard

Stick around and I can show you how to play the chords on Garage Band - Guitar. (This is so much fun & easy)

Step 1

Step 2


Step 3

Advance AustraliaArtist Name
00:00 / 02:01
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