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CPPS Music (Grade 4-6)

Term 3 |Semester Two (2020)

Mr. Richard Kant

WEEK 4 - Treble Clef | Practical Exercise No.1


1. Read sheet music on the treble clef music stave (5 lines and 4 spaces)

2. Practice reading sheet music to play on a Virtual Piano Keyboard.



Step 1 - Go to Week 2 on this website and revise all the content AND come back and watch these two videos.

Step 2 - Study the sheet music below and clap the rhythm together with the audio provided here: 

Only watch this video up to 2:35 secs.

Exercise 1Artist Name
00:00 / 00:38
Exercise 1.gif

Bar 1

Bar 2

Bar 3

Bar 4

Bar 5

Bar 6

Bar 7

Bar 8

Bar 9

Step 3 - Say the letter names out aloud. Make sure to read it out aloud while the audio is playing.

Step 4 - Go to Virtual Piano website

Print the sheet music or take a photo of it and open it on another device. You have to be able to read the music while playing it on the Virtual Piano. 

Step 5 - There are a total of 9 bars in this music. I have marked in on the music for you.


When trying to accomplish a project (such as learning a piece of music), you are more likely to succeed if you break up the large task into smaller tasks. Do these smaller tasks each day. You have to be consistent (no skipping days), self motivated and aiming to improve or make progress each day. Here is a suggested plan of what I mean:

Be able to play at a steady beat. Keep a record of ALL your attempts.

The aim to have a significant amount of correct attempts than incorrect ones.

If you make a mistake, think about about what caused that mistake and how you will fix it before trying again. Don't keep repeating the same mistake without having a strategy.

You can move onto the next days work if you find a day easy to accomplish. I highly encourage this. This plan is just one of many ways to work but the key idea is to break the big task into lots of smaller easier goals.

Day 1  

Be able to play bar 1 and stopping exactly on the first note of bar 2.

Day 2 

Be able to play bar 2 and stopping exactly on the first note of bar 3. 

Be able to play starting at bar 1 and stopping exactly on the first note of bar 3.

Day 3 

Be able to play bar 3 and stopping exactly on the first note of bar 4. 

Be able to play starting at bar 1 and stopping exactly on the first note of bar 4.

Day 4

Be able to play bar 4 and stopping exactly on the first note of bar 5. 

Be able to play starting at bar 1 and stopping exactly on the first note of bar 5.

Day 5

Be able to play bar 5 and stopping exactly on the first note of bar 6. 

Be able to play starting at bar 1 and stopping exactly on the first note of bar 6.


Day 6

Be able to play bar 6 and stopping exactly on the first note of bar 7. 

Be able to play starting at bar 1 and stopping exactly on the first note of bar 7.

Day 7

Be able to play bar 7 and stopping exactly on the first note of bar 8. 

Be able to play starting at bar 1 and stopping exactly on the first note of bar 8.

Day 8

Be able to play bar 8 and stopping exactly on the first note of bar 9. 

Be able to play starting at bar 1 and stopping exactly on the first note of bar 9.

Day 9

Be able to play bar 9 and stopping on the final note.

Be able to play the entire piece from start to finish.

Day 10 

Perform the piece to a family member. Video record your performance and share.

Post your video recording on SeeSaw. Please make sure to post it in the Music folder.

Do not talk in the video. Get straight onto playing. Please remember, I teach Music to the entire school (500 students) so just imagine the sheer volume of work I have to go through on SeeSaw. So, please help me by keeping it as short as possible. Only submit your best recording and submit it only when you are happy with your performance. Keep in mind, next week there will be another new song to learn and record. 

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