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CPPS Music (PREP/Grade 1)

Term 3 |Semester Two (2020)

Mr. Richard Kant

WEEK 6 - Pitch Accuracy

We are learning to sing in pitch  and practice singing Advance Australia Fair - Verse 1 & 2

Practice singing Advance Australia Fair with the lyrics and without the lyrics. Remember to practice a small section of music everyday and aim to make progress each day.


Australians all let us rejoice,

For we are young and free;

We’ve golden soil and wealth for toil;

Our home is girt by sea;

Our land abounds in nature’s gifts

Of beauty rich and rare;

In history’s page, let every stage

Advance Australia Fair.

In joyful strains then let us sing,

Advance Australia Fair.


Beneath our radiant Southern Cross

We’ll toil with hearts and hands;

To make this Commonwealth of ours

Renowned of all the lands;

For those who’ve come across the seas

We’ve boundless plains to share;

With courage let us all combine

To Advance Australia Fair.

In joyful strains then let us sing,

Advance Australia Fair.


You will hear a note played on the piano. Sing \u\ after each note.

Ensure a rounded mouth shape.

Sing the note immediately after the note is sounded on the piano.

Sing the note the same length as what was sounded on the piano.

Please video record your task and post on SeeSaw (Class Music Folder)

The video should include the audio track (below) playing in the background.

The video file should be no longer than 40 seconds. 

Advance Australian Assembly Version (VerArtist Name
00:00 / 02:47
Practice for Seesaw AssessmentArtist Name
00:00 / 01:38
SeeSaw Assessment (Use This)Artist Name
00:00 / 00:34
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