CPPS Music (PREP/Grade 1)
WEEK 9-10
Advance Australia Fair (Verse 2)
1. We are learning to chant and clap the beat of verse two of Advance Australia Fair
2. We are learning to clap beats to familiar and unfamiliar songs and melodies.
3. We are learning the importance of daily practice in music
Monday 17th August 2020
Step 1 - Advance Australia Fair (Verse 2 | Line 1)
Play the audio track below and follow instructions.
Verse 2 Line 1;
"Be-neath our ra-dient south-ern cross we'll toil with hearts and hands"
Step 2 - Advance Australia Fair Verse 2 | Line 1
Play the audio track below and practice singing from the start of the song and stop at the end of verse 2 line 1.
Step 3 - Listen to the recording below and clap the beats along with the music.
Step 4 - Listen to the recording below and practice singing or humming after the note is played on the Pianoforte.
Verse 2 No.1Richard Kant (CPPS)
Advance Australian Assembly Version (VerRichard Kant (CPPS)
Triumphal March Beat Exercise 1Richard Kant (CPPS)
Sing or Hum 1Richard Kant (CPPS)
Tuesday 18th August 2020
Step 1 - Advance Australia Fair (Verse 2 | Line 2)
Play the audio track below and follow instructions.
Verse 2 Line 2;
"To make this com-mon-wealth of ours re-nown'd in all the lands"
Step 2 - Advance Australia Fair Verse 2 | Line 2
Play the audio track below and practice singing from the start of the song and stop at the end of verse 2 line 2.
Step 3 - Listen to the recording below and clap the beats along with the music.
Step 4 - Listen to the recording below and practice singing or humming after the note is played on the Pianoforte.
Verse 2 No.2Richard Kant (CPPS)
Sing or Hum 2Richard Kant (CPPS)
Nina Nanna Beat Exercise 2Richard Kant (CPPS)
Advance Australian Assembly Version (VerRichard Kant (CPPS)
Wednesday 19th August 2020
Step 1 - Advance Australia Fair (Verse 2 | Line 3)
Play the audio track below and follow instructions.
Verse 2 Line 3;
"For those who come a-cross the seas we've bound-less plains to share"
Step 2 - Advance Australia Fair Verse 2 | Line 3
Play the audio track below and practice singing from the start of the song and stop at the end of verse 2 line 3.
Step 3 - Listen to the recording below and clap the beats along with the music.
Step 4 - Listen to the recording below and practice singing or humming after the note is played on the Pianoforte.
Verse 2 No.3Richard Kant (CPPS)
Sing or Hum 3Richard Kant (CPPS)
Papagenoâs_Aria_Beat_Exercise_3Richard Kant (CPPS)
Advance Australian Assembly Version (VerRichard Kant (CPPS)
Verse 2 No.5Richard Kant (CPPS)
Sing or Hum 5Richard Kant (CPPS)
Polish Dance Beat Exercise 5Richard Kant (CPPS)
Friday 21st August 2020
Step 1 - Advance Australia Fair (Verse 2 | Line 5)
Play the audio track below and follow instructions.
Verse 2 Line 5;
"In joy-ful strains then let us sing Ad-vance Aus-tra-lia Fair"
Step 2 - Advance Australia Fair Verse 2 | Line 5
Play the audio track below and practice singing from the start of the song and stop at the end of verse 2 line 5.
Step 3 - Listen to the recording below and clap the beats along with the music.
Step 4 - Listen to the recording below and practice singing or humming after the note is played on the Pianoforte.
Advance Australian Assembly Version (VerRichard Kant (CPPS)
Verse 2 No.4Richard Kant (CPPS)
Sing or Hum 4Richard Kant (CPPS)
The Spring Beat Exercise 4Richard Kant (CPPS)
Thursday 20th August 2020
Step 1 - Advance Australia Fair (Verse 2 | Line 4)
Play the audio track below and follow instructions.
Verse 2 Line 4;
"With cour-age let us all com-bine to Ad-vance Aus-tra-lia Fair"
Step 2 - Advance Australia Fair Verse 2 | Line 4
Play the audio track below and practice singing from the start of the song and stop at the end of verse 2 line 4.
Step 3 - Listen to the recording below and clap the beats along with the music.
Step 4 - Listen to the recording below and practice singing or humming after the note is played on the Pianoforte.
Advance Australian Assembly Version (VerRichard Kant (CPPS)
Saturday 22nd-23rd August 2020
SeeSaw Video Upload
Submit ONE video only of Task 1-2.
Record a video of student chanting and clapping the beats of verse 2 (lines 1-5)
"Be-neath our ra-dient south-ern cross we'll toil with hearts and hands"
"To make this com-mon-wealth of ours re-nown'd in all the lands"
"For those who come a-cross the seas we've bound-less plains to share"
"With cour-age let us all com-bine to Ad-vance Aus-tra-lia Fair"
"In joy-ful strains then let us sing Ad-vance Aus-tra-lia Fair"
Choose any ONE piece of music from Step 3 (Mon-Fri). Play the music in the background and video record your child clapping the beat along with the music. Your child may wish to play the beat on a percussion instrument (if you have one) OR use a homemade percussion instrument.
Please make sure you upload the video file on SeeSaw. Ensure you place it in the brown music folder. The tasks WILL NOT be assessed if it is not in the brown music folder.
Why? The reason it won't be assessed is because I may not be able to view it. If I do, I will certainly assess it.