Unit: Singing & Play
Term 2 |Semester One (2020)
Grade 3
“A Ram Sam Sam”.
We are learning to sing a song called A Ram Sam Sam
Step 1 - Watch the first video and learn the words and actions:
Step 2 - Watch the second video and learn the untuned percussion parts:
Learn each of three parts by clapping or tapping your lap while you watch the video.
The tambourine: clap.
The triangle: tap your index fingers together.
The drum: pat your lap.
Step 3 - Make or find a home-made instrument and play with the song. You can choose to make a drum, a triangle or a tambourine.
Search “make a simple drum” or “make a simple tambourine” on Google and you will find lots of ideas for how to make a simple instrument. Make the instrument, and then choose one of the three parts in “A Ram Sam Sam” and play along with the second video above.
When you can play it, video yourself playing the piece and save for future assessment
Grade 4
“Click Go the Shears”.
We are learning to sing a song Click Go the Shears.
Step 1 - Watch the video and learn the song.
Watch the video on this page:
Step 2 - Complete the worksheet.
Complete the attached worksheet about the meaning of the words in the song. All the answers can be found in the first video above.
Step 3 - Learn the untuned percussion parts.
Watch the following video:
In this video there are three untuned percussion parts: the claves, the triangle and the tambourine. Firstly, learn to play each one of them by clapping your hands or tapping your lap. You may need to watch the video over and over again to learn the parts correctly.
Then find or make an instrument to use as a pair of claves, a triangle or a tambourine, and play it along with the video. This can be as simple as finding two sticks to hit together as claves, or a plastic container to use as a tambourine.
Then record your performance on video and save for future assessment
Grades 3 & 4
Music Appreciation | Listen to these after completing the work assigned above
WEEK 5-6
Advance Australia Fair
REVISE Chanting Lyrics
1. We are learning to memorize the lyrics to Advance Australia Fair by chanting and clapping the beat.
2. We are learning to sing to pitch the first verse of Advance Australia Fair.
Chant 1 - Listen to recording.
Lyrics: Australians all let us rejoice for we are young and free.
Chant 3 - Listen to recording.
Lyrics: Our land abounds in nature's gifts of beauty rich and rare.
Chant 2 - Listen to recording.
Lyrics: We've golden soil and wealth for toil, our home is girt by sea.
Chant 4 - Listen to recording.
Lyrics: In history's page let every stage Advance Australia Fair
Chant 5 - Listen to recording.
Lyrics: In joyful strains then let us sing Advance Australia Fair
SEESAW ASSESSMENT TASK 1 - Verse 1 | Advance Australia Fair | Chanting & Clapping Beat
Once you have memorized the lyrics, please video record yourself chanting the lyrics while clapping a steady beat.
First verse only
This assessment task will take several days to up to two weeks so please take your time.
To be chanted from memory please.
Due date: before Monday 17th August 2020 (Let me know if you require more time and I will be happy to allow you extra time).
Please submit ONE video recording of verse one chanting and clapping steady beat.
Do not sing the lyrics. You must use your speaking voice to chant while clapping.
The speed of your chant should be same speed as recordings above.
Words to be clearly pronounced and clapping should be visible/audible.
Please submit your video recording on SeeSaw and place in Music Folder created for your class.
Singing Verse 1
Listen to each recording and sing seven times. Before singing again, try to think about what you could improve.
For example
1. Singing the right pitches (high and low notes)
2. Singing the words clearly (lyrics)
3. Singing to the beat (keeping a steady beat like a clock ticking)
4. Singing the same volume as the recording (how loud or soft are they singing)
5. Singing the correct rhythm (for example "...us rejoice..". The word 'us' is long followed by two short notes "re-joice".
6. Singing at the same speed.
7. Singing without the recording and comparing it with your singing.
Singing 1 - Listen to recording.
Lyrics: Australians all let us rejoice for we are young and free.
Singing 3 - Listen to recording.
Lyrics: Our land abounds in nature's gifts of beauty rich and rare.
Singing 2 - Listen to recording.
Lyrics: We've golden soil and wealth for toil, our home is girt by sea.
Singing 4 - Listen to recording.
Lyrics: In history's page let every stage Advance Australia Fair
Singing 5 - Listen to recording.
Lyrics: In joyful strains then let us sing Advance Australia Fair