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Chandler Park Primary School


Grades 4-6 | Week 9 | Term 3 | 2020


Dance Monkey


We Are Learning To 

Play Dance Monkey using Virtual Instruments

Listen to the complete song

This video is of the vocal line only. Use this as a practice aid to help you learn the pitch, rhythm and lyrics. Once you have mastered this step, try singing it with the next video (instrumental version).

This is an instrumental version of Dance Monkey. The instrumental version has the vocal part muted. See if you can sing the lyrics along with the instrumental version. 

For those of you who are unable to play using Virtual Instruments and/or do not want to sing, you can try playing the percussion part. Below is a recording of the vocal and one of the percussion parts (part 4).

Part 1 - Vocals

Part 2 - Chords (Guitar or Piano)

Part 3 - Percussion 1

Part 4 - Percussion 2 - Clap this part or play on a homemade percussion instrument.

Part 5 - Percussion 3

Part 6 - Beat


Please submit ONE of the following on SeeSaw before the due date:

1. A video of you singing from the start up to the end of the first chorus 1. Please make sure to use the Instrumental Version of Dance Monkey OR;

2. A video of you playing Part 2 (chords) on Garage Band(Smart Guitar) from start up to the end of the first chorus 1. Please make sure you use the Dance Monkey Vocals Video as your background accompaniment OR;

3. A video of you playing Part 2 (chords) on a real piano or keyboard from start up to the end of the first chorus 1. Please make sure you use the Dance Monkey Vocals Video as your background accompaniment OR;

4. A video of you playing Part 2 (chords) on a Virtual Piano (includes piano on Garage Band)  from start up to the end of the first chorus 1. Please make sure you use the Dance Monkey Vocals Video as your background accompaniment OR;

5. A video of you playing a homemade percussion instrument from beginning to end. Play part 4 using your homemade  percussion instrument. Can be as simple as using a bucket as a drum to two chop-sticks as rhythm sticks.

Due Date: Friday 9th October 2020 (no later than 9am)

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