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The Elements of Music


What is rhythm?

  • Rhythm is a pattern of sounds and silences through time.

  • These sounds and silences are arranged over a beat (like a steady ticking clock) and grouped in bars (or measures).

  • The example below shows two bars (or measures) and each bar (or measure) has four beats. We can arrange sounds and silences on top of each of these beats.


Arranging rhythm over a beat in bars (or measures)

  • Using words to arrange sounds and silences is a way to arrange rhythm over a steady beat. Look at the example below and see if you can clap the rhythm making sure you keep a steady beat. Each dotted box represents two beats.

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Pokémon 1-3Richard Kant
00:00 / 00:38
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Pokémon 1-3Richard Kant
00:00 / 00:38
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Pokémon 1-3Richard Kant
00:00 / 00:38

What do you hear?

  • Mr. Kant will play one of the rhythms from the chart below. Write down the rhythm number he tapped. You may wish to write it on a piece of paper or type your answer in the chat box.

What do you hear.jpg


Practice clapping the following rhythms to a steady beat (No.1-3). Once you are confident with your rhythms, record yourself (video or audio) using a mobile device. Record only ONE exercise (No.1 OR No.2 OR No.3. Upload your video or audio file to SeeSaw. Make sure to place in the Music Folder.

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pokemon 1.jpg
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